Dr. Nils Steiner

Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Department of Political Science
Unit "Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft"
D-55099 Mainz

Phone: +49 [0]6131 39-29300
E-Mail: steiner [at] politik.uni-mainz.de
Room: Georg Forster-Gebäude 04-435

Office Hours: Please schedule appointments via DFN-Terminplaner

Personal website: www.nilssteiner.com




Curriculum Vitae

    • 2003-2009 Studies in Political Science and Economics at the University of Hamburg, Graduation in Political Science ("Diplom"/M.A. equivalent), Thesis: „Globalization and Electoral Turnout: Does Economic Integration Lead to Declining Turnout in National Elections?" (Supervisor: Prof. Christian Martin)
    • Since June 2009: Lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Comparative Politics
    • May 2015: Ph.D. in Political Science at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Thesis: „Essays on Globalization and Democracy" (Supervisor: Prof. Edeltraud Roller)
    • Winter term 2020/21: Interim Professor of Political Science, in particular Political Sociology, Department of Political Science, University of Bamberg
    • Winter term 2021/22: Interim Professor of Political Science, with a specialization in Comparative Politics, Department of Political Science, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

More information about me and my research are available on my personal website. Most of my publications can be reached via my Google Scholar profile.


Research areas

  • Comparative Politics, with a focus on Western Europe
  • Political Sociology, with a focus on political attitudes and behavior, elections, and parties
  • Political Economy, with a focus on the political consequences of globalization and economic inequality



Articles in SSCI-ranked peer-reviewed journals

(27) Schäfer, Armin/Steiner, Nils D. (forthcoming): How Education, Generation and Gender Jointly Structure Green and Radical Right Voting, West European Politics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2025.2466122.

(26) Hillen, Sven/Steiner, Nils D./Landwehr, Claudia (forthcoming): Perceptions of Policy Responsiveness: The Effects of Egocentric and Sociotropic Congruence, West European Politics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2024.2333215.

(25) Hillen, Sven & Steiner, Nils D. (2025): Rising Inequality and Public Support for Redistribution, European Journal of Political Research, 64(1): 442-455.

(24) Hoffeller, Lucca/Steiner, Nils D. (2024): Sympathies for Putin Within the German Public: A Consequence of Political Alienation? Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 65, 667-690.

(23) Steiner, Nils D. (2024): The Shifting Issue Content of Left-Right Identification: Cohort Differences in Western Europe, West European Politics, 47(6): 1276-1303.

(22) Steiner, Nils D./Hoffeller, Lucca/Gutheil, Yanick/Wiesenfeldt, Tobias (2024): Class Voting for Radical-Left Parties in Western Europe: The Libertarian vs. Authoritarian Class Trade-off, Party Politics, 30(4): 579-591.

(21) Steiner, Nils D./Mader, Matthias/Schoen, Harald (2024): Subjective Losers of Globalization, European Journal of Political Research, 63(1): 326-347.

(20) Steiner, Nils D. (2023): Generational Change in Party Support in Germany: The Decline of the Volksparteien, the Rise of the Greens, and the Transformation of the Education Divide, Electoral Studies, 86: 102706.

(19) Steiner, Nils D./Landwehr, Claudia (2023): Learning the Brexit Lesson? Shifting Support for Direct Democracy in Germany in the Aftermath of the Brexit ReferendumBritish Journal of Political Science, 53(2): 757-765.

(18) Steiner, Nils D./Schimpf, Christian/Wuttke, Alexander (2023): Left Behind and United by Populism? Populism’s Multiple Roots in Feelings of Lacking Societal RecognitionPolitische Vierteljahresschrift, 64(1): 107-132.

(17) Bucher, Hannah/Stroppe, Anne-Kathrin/Burger, Axel M./Faas, Thorsten/Schoen, Harald/Debus, Marc/Roßteutscher, Sigrid/Cohen, Dennis/Huber, Robert A./Jankowski, Michael/John, Melvin/Menzner, Jan/Schimpf, Christian H./Schnaudt, Christian/Steiner, Nils D./Traunmüller, Richard/Unkelbach, Fabienne/Vogel, Vera/Wegscheider, Carsten/Welz, Robert/Wuttke, Alex (2023): Special Issue Conclusion – The GLES Open Science Challenge 2021 in Hindsight: Experiences Gained and Lessons LearnedPolitische Vierteljahresschrift, 64(1): 207-219.

(16) Steiner, Nils D./Berlinschi, Ruxanda/Farvaque, Etienne/Fidrmuc, Jan/Harms, Philipp/Mihailov, Alexander/Neugart, Michael/Stanek, Piotr (2023): Rallying Around the EU Flag: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and Attitudes Toward European Integration, Journal of Common Market Studies, 61(2): 271-290.

(15) Barbaro, Salvatore/Steiner, Nils D. (2023): Plurality Rule, Majority Principle and Indeterminacy in German Elections, FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis, 79(1): 64-91.

(14) Steiner, Nils D./Harms, Philipp (2023): Trade Shocks and the Nationalist Backlash in Political Attitudes: Panel Data Evidence from Great Britain, Journal of European Public Policy, 30(2): 271-290.

(13) Breznau, Nate/Rinke, Eike M./Wuttke, Alexander/[…]/Steiner, Nils D./[…] [166 authors] (2022): Observing Many Researchers Using the Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals a Hidden Universe of UncertaintyProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 119(44): e2203150119.

(12) Steiner, Nils D./Hillen, Sven (2021): Vote Choices of Left-Authoritarians: Misperceived Congruence and Issue SalienceElectoral Studies, 70: 102280.

(11) Mader, Matthias/Steiner, Nils D./Schoen, Harald (2020): The Globalisation Divide in the Public Mind: Belief Systems on Globalisation and their Electoral ConsequencesJournal of European Public Policy, 27(10): 1526-1545.

(10) Hillen, Sven/Steiner, Nils D. (2020): The Consequences of Supply Gaps in Two-Dimensional Policy Spaces for Voter Turnout and Political Support: The Case of Economically Left-Wing and Culturally Right-Wing Citizens in Western EuropeEuropean Journal of Political Research, 59(2): 331-353.

(9) Steiner, Nils D./Mader, Matthias (2019): Intra-Party Heterogeneity in Policy Preferences and Its Effect on Issue Salience: Developing and Applying a Measure Based on Elite Survey DataParty Politics, 25(3): 336-348.

(8) Steiner, Nils D./Landwehr, Claudia (2018): Populistische Demokratiekonzeptionen und die Wahl der AfD: Evidenz aus einer PanelstudiePolitische Vierteljahresschrift, 59(3): 463-491.

(7) Steiner, Nils D. (2018): Attitudes Towards the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership in the European Union: The Treaty Partner Heuristic and Issue AttentionEuropean Union Politics, 19(2):255-277.

(6) Landwehr, Claudia/Steiner, Nils D. (2017): Where Democrats Disagree: Citizens’ Normative Conceptions of DemocracyPolitical Studies, 65(4): 786-804.

(5) Steiner, Nils D. (2016): Comparing Freedom House Democracy Scores to Alternative Indices and Testing for Political Bias: Are US Allies Rated as More Democratic by Freedom House?, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 18(4): 329-394.

(4) Steiner, Nils D. (2016): Economic Globalisation, the Perceived Room to Manoeuvre of National Governments, and Electoral Participation: Evidence from the 2001 British General ElectionElectoral Studies, 41(1): 118-128.

(3) Böhm, Katharina/Landwehr, Claudia/Steiner, Nils D. (2014): What Explains Generosity in the Public Financing of High-tech Drugs? An Empirical Investigation for 26 OECD Countries and 11 Controversial DrugsJournal of European Social Policy, 24(1): 39-55.

(2) Steiner, Nils D./Martin, Christian W. (2012): Economic Integration, Party Polarization and Electoral TurnoutWest European Politics, 35(2): 238-265.

(1) Steiner, Nils D. (2010): Economic Globalization and Voter Turnout in Established DemocraciesElectoral Studies, 29(3): 444-459.


Articles in peer-reviewed journals (not SSCI-ranked)

(2) Mader, Matthias/Steiner, Nils D. (2019): Party Institutionalization and Intra-Party Preference HomogeneityZeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 13(2): 199-224.

(1) Martin, Christian W./Steiner, Nils D. (2016): Economic Globalization and the Change of Electoral RulesConstitutional Political Economy, 27(4): 355-376.


Articles in edited volumes

(5) Steiner, Nils D. (2024): Wählerwanderungen von und zu der AfD in der COVID-19-Pandemie, in: Schoen, Harald/Weßels, Bernhard (eds.): Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2021. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 525-550.

(4) Steiner, Nils D. (2021): Die wahrgenommene Entwicklung der sozialen Gerechtigkeit und Wahlentscheidungen bei der Bundestagswahl 2017, in: Weßels, Bernhard/Schoen, Harald (eds.): Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 321-343.

(3) Steiner, Nils D./Hillen, Sven (2019): Links-autoritäre Bürger bei der Bundestagswahl 2013: Sozialstrukturelle Determinanten und Konsequenzen eines Repräsentationsdefizits für Wahlbeteiligung und Regimeunterstützung, in: Steinbrecher, Markus/Bytzek, Evelyn/Rosar, Ulrich (eds.): Identität – Identifikation – Ideologie: Analysen zu politischen Einstellungen und politischem Verhalten in Deutschland, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 181-216.

(2) Bauer, Simon R./Steiner, Nils D. (2015): Eurokrise, Economic Voting und der Erfolg der Union bei der Bundestagswahl 2013. Positions- und performanzbasierte Sachfragenorientierungen als Determinanten der Wahlentscheidung, in: Giebler, Heiko/Wagner, Aiko (eds.): Wirtschaft, Krise und Wahlverhalten, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 51-83.

(1) Steiner, Nils D./Steinbrecher, Markus (2012): Wirtschaft und Wahlverhalten in Westdeutschland zwischen 1977 und 2007: Wer sind die ökonomischen Wähler?, in: Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger (ed.), Wählen in Deutschland: Sonderheft der Politischen Vierteljahreschrift 45/2011. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 321-344.


Data and Appendices

On my personal website, you will find additional reproduction materials not listed below, in particular for more recent publications.


Party Institutionalization and Intra-Party Preference Homogeneity
Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft
Link: Dataverse

Links-autoritäre Bürger bei der Bundestagswahl 2013: Sozialstrukturelle Determinanten und Konsequenzen eines Repräsentationsdefizits für Regimeunterstützung und Wahlbeteiligung
Identität - Identifikation - Ideologie
Download: Do-file

The Consequences of Supply Gaps in Two-Dimensional Policy Spaces for Voter Turnout and Political Support: The Case of Economically Left-Wing and Culturally Right-Wing Citizens in Western Europe
European Journal of Political Research
Download: Online-appendix and do-file

Intra-Party Heterogeneity in Policy Preferences and Its Effect on Issue Salience: Developing and Applying a Measure Based on Elite Survey Data
Party Politics
Link: Online-appendix
Download: Do-files

Populistische Demokratiekonzeptionen und die Wahl der AfD: Evidenz aus einer Panelstudie
Politische Vierteljahresschrift
Download: Online-appendix and do-file

Attitudes Towards the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership in the European Union: The Treaty Partner Heuristic and Issue Attention
European Union Politics
Link: Online-appendix
Download: Do-files

Where Democrats Disagree: Citizens’ Normative Conceptions of Democracy
Political Studies
Download: Online-appendix and do-file

Economic Globalisation, the Perceived Room to Manoeuvre of National Governments, and Electoral Participation: Evidence from the 2001 British General Election
Electoral Studies
Download: Online-appendix and do-file

Eurokrise, Economic Voting und der Erfolg der Union bei der Bundestagswahl 2013: Positions- und performanzbasierte Sachfragenorientierungen als Determinanten der Wahlentscheidung
Wirtschaft, Krise und Wahlverhalten
Link: Online-appendix

Comparing Freedom House Democracy Scores to Alternative Indices and Testing for Political Bias: Are US Allies Rated as More Democratic by Freedom House?
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis
Download: Online-appendix, dataset and do-file

Economic Integration, Party Polarization and Electoral Turnout
West European Politics, 35 (2)
Download: Online-appendix, dataset and do-file

Wirtschaft und Wahlverhalten in Westdeutschland zwischen 1977 und 2007: Wer sind die ökonomischen Wähler?
Sonderheft der Politischen Vierteljahresschrift 2011: Wählen in Deutschland
Link: Online-appendix

Economic Globalization and Voter Turnout in Established Democracies
Electoral Studies, 29 (3)
Download: Dataset and do-file